
For each combination of Environment + Region there is a set of policies applied to individual services.

Under iaas/deployments you can see examples of that.

Everytime we want to release a new version of a deployment we create a tag with the format vX-YYYY-MM-DD, where X is an integer starting at 1 which represents the version number for that day. YYYY represents the year, MM represents the Month, and DD represents the day.

This tagging triggers a pipeline that will first create a job that displays the differences with the cookbook versions used in the previous deployment. Example:

$ echo "New $POLICY_GROUP deployment changes below" && while read line; do echo "Going to $line from $(grep -Po "(?<=$(echo $line | grep -Po '.*(?= \()') ).*" current_versions.out )" ; done < new_changes.out
New tecnico-staging-regiont deployment changes below
Going to dsi-openstack-tecnico-staging-regiont (1.1.4) from (1.1.3)
Job succeeded

Then you can trigger the next job manually that will install and push each policy to the Chef server.